Enemies in Disguise - Angie & Julius Story

There is a saying that "opposite attracts" and "the more you hate, the more you love". For Angelina and Julius, the latter saying would be more appropriate to describe how their hate relationship turned to love relationship.
Angelina is from Masbate and Julius is from Ilocos Sur. She was 9 years younger than him.They have met at the University of the East for their review for the CPA Board Exams in March-October 1976. At that time Julius was already working for the Supreme Court while Angelina was a full time student. Most of the time they get to sit next to each other in an evening class and quarrel a lot like teenagers Julius would get into Angelina's nerves every time he takes her assignment, reads it and criticize it as if everything is wrong. The worst part that makes Angelina furious is after criticizing her work, he'd raise his hand to answer their professor's questions based on her working papers' answers...and he never does his own homework! Lol!
I can imagine Angelina's rage. Angelina would often get angry at him and not speak to him. Their classmates would tease them on their "cold wars". But the smell of newly cooked peanuts he'd bring during their evening class would make them "friends" again. After their review, they became good friends. They continue to talk over the phone and would often meet up since Julius transferred and worked in the Central Bank which is near the hotel where Angelina is working. He would offer to take her home every time she goes home late from work. She was at this time undergoing a formation training to become a nun while Julius was an altar boy at his young age which also gave him the inspiration to become a priest. But God has a different plan for them. Their friendship blossomed and turned into a beautiful love relationship. In short, they fell in love and were married in Pope Pius XII Center on April 10, 1980. The priest who officiated their wedding was also the same priest who was doing the formation for Angelina when she wanted to be a nun in the beginning.
Their love grew and they were blessed with four successful children. Angelina and Julius are both residing and working now in Abu Dhabi UAE. They are also both serving in a Christian Community not as nun and priest but as a couple. They have just celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary. They have proven that there is no such thing as an enemy unless you decide to open your heart to the possibility of loving
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